Cookie Policy - Extended Disclosure

BERICALCE SRL owner of the processing of personal data on the site, informs that it makes use of cookies in order to make our services efficient and easy to use, also guaranteeing the right to informed self-determination, in accordance with Articles 13 and 122 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”) and the provision of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data no. 229 of May 8, 2014; this extended disclosure is made only for the website, excluding other sites that can be accessed by the user through a link from our site.

What are cookies

When you visit our site a minimal amount of information is placed on your device in the form of small text files, called “cookies,” which are saved in the user’s web browser directory; there are different types of cookies, but primarily the purpose of a cookie is to make the site work more efficiently and to enable certain features.

Cookies are mainly used to improve the user’s overall navigation.

The cookies on our site are used to:

  • navigate efficiently;
  • measure users’ use of the services, with information collected in aggregate, to optimize the browsing experience and the services themselves;
  • Store the user name and products entered in the shopping cart;
  • allow you to avoid entering the same information (such as user name and password) multiple times during a visit.

While browsing, it is possible that cookies from different sites, called “third-party cookies,” may be placed on your device, configured directly by third parties and used in ways and for purposes defined by them.

Types of cookies

There are various types of cookies; below are the types of cookies that may be used on our site with a description of the purpose related to their use.

Technical cookies

Cookies of this type are necessary for certain areas of to function properly; without these cookies our site would not be properly navigable. Cookies in this category include both persistent and session cookies. This type of cookie is always used regardless of the preferences by the user and are sent from our domain to the device of the user visiting our site.

Analytical cookies

This type of cookie is used to collect information about site usage; we use this information for purposes of:

  • statistical analysis;
  • improvement of the site, to simplify its use and to optimize the services offered;
  • Monitoring the proper functioning of the site.

This type of cookie collects information anonymously about users’ activity on the site and how they arrived at the site and the pages they visited; cookies of this type are sent from our site or from third-party domains.

Third-party cookies

They are used to collect information, anonymously, about visitors’ use of, keywords used to reach the site, pages visited, and traffic origins from which users come for campaigns, reports, and to improve the site. Cookies of this type are sent from our site or from third-party domains. Third-party feature integration cookies are used to integrate third-party features into our site, such as comment forms or social network links, which allow users to share content on the site, excluding information sharing from the site in which they are embedded. These cookies may be sent by partner sites or otherwise offering features on our site.

Profiling cookies

They are used to create profiles related to the user and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during browsing. First-party profiling cookies are not used on the site

Cookies used on our site

The website Uses technical, first-party analytical, third-party analytical with reduced identifying power, and third-party profiling cookies. With regard to technical cookies, the owner is not required to request the user’s consent for the installation of technical cookies, as they are strictly necessary for the site to function properly, while for other types of cookies the user can express his or her consent on our site as provided by the current legislation.

Consent can be given through specific configurations of the browser used for browsing and/or with user-friendly and clear computer programs; please note that you can change your cookie preferences at any time; it is also possible to disable cookies from your browser at any time, but this may prevent you from using certain parts of our site.

Enabling/disabling cookies via browser

There are different ways to manage cookies and other tracking technologies; by changing your browser settings, you can accept or reject cookies or decide to receive a warning message before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. Please remember that by completely disabling cookies in your browser, you may not be able to use all the interactive features on

It is possible to delete all installed cookies by accessing the cookie folder of the browser used for browsing. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. Click on one of the links below for specific instructions.

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

In the case of using browsers other than those listed above, select “cookies” in the relevant section of the guide to find out where the cookie folder is located.

Deleting Flash cookies

Click the link below to change your Flash cookie settings.

Disabling Flash cookies

Installed cookies

The user is not required to give prior consent for the installation of such cookies.

Through the site are also installed some third-party cookies, including profiling cookies, which are activated by clicking “ok” on the banner on the home page; below are the third-party cookies and the relevant links with which the user can find more information as well as request their deactivation.

Google Analytics

Our site uses Google Analytics for statistical purposes. This is a service, provided by Google Inc., which collects statistical analysis in aggregate form, regarding the use of our site through the use of cookies, which are deposited on the user’s computer; it should also be noted that in addition to cookies, a pixel tag ( The data collected through this feature are in the availability of Google Inc. as indicated in the information available at
; the privacy policy of Google Inc. the data controller for the Google Analytics service is available at As expressly stated by the Privacy Guarantor with the “Clarifications on the Implementation of Cookie Legislation” dated June 5, 2015, point 2 (“Use of Third-Party Analytical Cookies”) our site, using for purely statistical purposes analytical cookies made and made available by third parties, has decided to make use of the user IP anonymization feature provided by Google Inc. as indicated on page and accepted the Data Processing Amendment (Google Analytics Data Processing Amendment v20130906), made available by Google Analytics in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC, whereby Google Inc. undertakes to process the data according to the requests of the Client – Owner of the site and not to share them with other additional services unless requested by the owner itself, through the settings of the services; to this end, we inform you that the owner of our site has not linked Google Analytics to any additional service and that no advertising or data sharing option has been activated with Google Inc., reason why the Google Analytics service, used by our site for statistical purposes only, does not require any consent from the user for the release of the relevant cookies; on the page browser add-on for disabling Google Analytics is available.

Social network links and widgets

On the site there are links and/or widgets related to social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, …) that allow the user who is browsing our site to interact with a “click” directly with the social platforms; they are links that refer to the owner’s account on the social networks depicted, thus not representing an installation of third-party cookies. For your information below are the pages where the user can view the privacy policy from the indicated social networks.


Our site incorporates the Twitter widget that involves the installation of cookies, including profiling cookies (third-party profiling cookies), by Twitter Inc. but no information is shared by the site where the widget is installed. Information about the service, as well as how to disable cookies, is available at the pages e

Final considerations

The processing is carried out by automated means by the owner of the site at, with no dissemination or communication of the data. With the exception of technical cookies strictly necessary for normal navigation, the provision of data is left to the will of the user who decides to navigate on our site after having read the brief information contained in the appropriate banner; the user can avoid the installation of cookies by keeping the banner and refraining from navigating or by closing it by clicking on the “OK” button or through the appropriate functions available on the browser of the device used for navigation; the possible continuation of navigation on the same web page is qualified as a positive action of the user and is equivalent to consent to the installation of cookies.

The user has the right to delete/deactivate cookies that are not strictly necessary for browsing through the functionalities available with this extended information notice or directly through their browsing browser, while for third-party cookies through the functionalities indicated in this information notice that refer to the information pages of the third-party companies.

Useful information about the cookies on your device, as well as the possibility of individual deactivation, is available at

The interested party may at any time assert the rights set forth in Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, as indicated on the privacy policy page of our site.

Cookie Revocation Consent

At any time you have the right to revoke your consent to accept Cookies.

To do this all you have to do is click on this Cookie Settings button